Our tours / Turkey

Turkey: Istanbul & the Turquoise Coast

Visit Istanbul, one of the world’s most fascinating cities, then spend a week on your own private yacht along the southern coast. Luxury with an exotic touch!

Duration: 10 nights / 11 days
Dates: Private departures on request
Trip starts/ends: Istanbul, evening Day 1; Dalaman airport morning of Day 11
Activity level: 2+ daily activities include hiking over rocky terrain and water sports [more info]
Group size: min. 6 - max 12


* Explore the city of Istanbul with a licensed city guide (including the Santa Sofia church/mosque, the Blue Mosque, the Hippodrome, Topkapi Palace, and the ancient cisterns)
* Visit the Egyptian Spice Market, the Grand Bazaar, and the Beyoglu area in Istanbul
* Try some of Istanbul’s best “street food”
* Revitalize your body with a soak and a scrub at a traditional Turkish hammam
* Enjoy two hikes along the coast with spectacular views and ancient ruins along your path
* Take a day-trip to a nearby Greek island
* Snorkel, kayak, swim and stand-up paddle in quiet bays 
* Explore ancient Lycian ruins
* Visit a workshop to see how women have been making amazing wool and silk carpets for centuries
* Try your hand at making traditional dishes
* Enjoy the pure luxury of traveling, dining and swimming from your own private Turkish gulet
* For the adventurous: paraglide over beautiful Ölüdeniz beach (optional)


Trip price includes

3 nights in Istanbul and 7 nights on private traditional gulet with crew of four; 10 breakfasts & dinners plus 3 lunches; 1 day guided visit of Istanbul with licensed guide; all visits and transfers as per itinerary; at least 1 Wild Sage guide; internal flight from Istanbul to Dalaman; 2 airport transfers (to Istanbul Airport for internal flight and return to Dalaman airport) 

Not included

7 lunches; optional activities like paragliding; drinks other than water at meals; items of a personal nature


Days 1-3: Istanbul
Enjoy three nights in colorful Istanbul, one of the world’s most fascinating cities. For centuries (and still today) it marked the border between “East” and “West.” Once home to the Roman Empire, it then became the most important city in Christendom and then home to the Ottoman Empire before becoming modern Turkey in 1922. We’ll hit all the highlights and relax at night at a charming boutique hotel in the historical Sultanahmet area of the city.

Days 4-10: A Week On the Turquoise Coast
A one-hour flight takes you to the southern coast of Turkey at Dalaman, where you’ll transfer to pick up your traditional Turkish gulet. Unpack once then enjoy the tranquil seas as your “floating hotel” transports you along the coast for the next week. You’ll see ancient archaeological sites, stroll around beautiful port towns, feast on local cuisine, and enjoy the high life aboard your private yacht. The crew of four makes sure you have everything you need for a fabulous week on the high seas.

Depends on number of participants, contact us for details!
[info on prices]


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